Get a life, start living generously at home!

You wake up on your birthday. You leave your house, sorry, your HOME. No loved one - family or close friend wishes you a “happy birthday” or extends a mile and buys you a birthday cake. 

You are disappointed and unsatisfied.

You carry your unsatisfied hurt emotions and unrealistic bountiful expectations to work, disguise them as ‘team building activities’; levied on strangers simply co-existing with you, condoning you, because they happen to work at the same place. 

People who didn’t choose you as a human being to be in their circles. Who majority have a platonic relationship with you if not unpopular already.

If your husband, wife, mother, father, sisters, brothers, children, cousins, best friend, boy group, girl group do not wish you a “happy birthday”; what makes you think a stranger at office wishes you utmost heartfelt birthday wishes?

Who cares you added a year to your now evident pathetic existence?


Get a life! CHARITY BEGINS AT HOME! Live generously within the walls of your home and neighborhood.

Your birthday is important to you, your family and close friends; and significant to corporations to whom you offer money in exchange for their services such as Centenary bank, MTN, Airtel and Facebook. 

Twitter doesn’t give a sh**!

Happy birthday, poor unfortunate soul!   


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